Once a week we post a video review on New Review Wednesday. This is an in-depth look at a particular strain from one of the many widely-available cannabis brands here in California.
All our video reviews start with an “unboxing” of the herb and then I try the strain and give my completely spontaneous response – the look, the smell, the flavor – and after I have smoked several hits, the effects. It’s a tough job, but someone has to do it 😉
We post our videos on YouTube and here on our site, where I also write up a review that goes more in-depth than I can during the video review.
2021 Season began on January 6, 2021
This week’s cannabis strain comes from Mendocino Grasslands and is called Rolls Choice. This strain is a cross of Tahoe OG and C4. I’m very familiar with Tahoe OG, a herb I find to be a heavy-hitting Indica hybrid that’s rather stony. But C4 is a strain I’ve never tried and is a mystery to me...
I broke up my smoking routine this week to try out a new bong/dab rig/nectar collector that just got sent to me from Waxmaid – the top silicone and glass smoking gear producers. So let me introduce you to a serious little smoking machine called The Soldier...
I was pleasantly surprised this last week when I went to the post office… there was an unexpected package from Five Leaf Wellness! I’ve learned this year that only good things come in packages from Five Leaf Wellness...
I don’t know about you, but the name Incredible Hulk on a hemp strain made me think this was going to be a monster with a powerful high – something that would transform me from a mild-mannered reviewer into a big, green, clothes-shredding beast. That is not what happened, in fact – this was one of the more subtle hemp strains I’ve tried… let me tell you about it.
I was at Desert’s Finest in Desert Hot Springs, my usual dispensary, picking up an herb to review a couple of weeks ago. I asked the budtender what was the most popular herb. He said they were sold out of the most popular herb, but just got in some Garcia Hand Picked that was going to fly out the door. The strain was PB Souffle, one I’ve never had before...
When it comes to blurring the line between the relaxed body effects of hemp and the psychoactive effects of cannabis, this strain definitely had a stony quality that made me wonder where that line really was…
Iced Lemonade is a Sativa strain that was bred by Annunaki Genetics by crossing Pink Lemonaid #2 with Huckleberry Soda. The jar we looked at came from Coastal Sun Farm, where this herb was grown organically under the California sun with regenerative farming techniques.
Cat’s Meow is a strain that comes from Flame Train CBD and is a cross of wild Thai, a strain called Cat Piss and Sage Kush – an interesting mix that creates a Sativa hybrid. This is an indoor-grown herb and just glancing at the buds you can see this is craft herb…
The more the high settled in the more introspective I became. When it was time for me to give my impressions of the high for the video review I found speaking to be a real effort. I wanted to just sit blissfully and enjoy the fuzzy thinking on my mountain of cushions...
Some herbs make me feel “cool” when I smoke them. A true OG Kush will do that to me, and this strain had endless amounts of coolness. The herb just makes me feel like I’m on top of the world… it brims with confidence, and makes one feel like a million bucks!
The high started to hit after about three-four minutes with a euphoric, energetic buzz that kept building for the next fifteen minutes. My synapses started to bubble and pop with random, free-association thoughts combined with a pleasantly unfocused outlook – perfect for jumping into a creative project or doing some brainstorming...
I was relaxed immediately as the herb completely saturated my body! I was mentally relaxed and overtaken with a creative vibe. This herb got my mind hopping and jumping with all the synapses popping! Every thought hatched a dozen more as I entered a free association, intuitive mind space...
The first hit greeted me with a deep, solid, earthy/dank flavor that made me happy. Whenever a sesh starts with those flavors good things are sure to follow...
Strangely, getting high on Sour Dubble reminded me of hanging out with my mom, whom I loved and miss enormously. Though she never smoked herb in her life, I can imagine her appreciating this herb’s high. My mother had a serious, no-nonsense demeanor, a sharply inquisitive mind, and a subtle sense of humor. The Sour Dubble high had all those qualities...
This week we got into a powerful strain called GMO from Screaming Trumpets. The packaging of this sample that we looked at from Screaming Trumpets is flat-out cool! The herb comes in a stylish stamped tin and inside the tin is a flavor-seal bag that holds 10 grams of ready-to-roll herb...
Buzzed! That’s the simplest way to describe the strong effects that hit after just a minute or two. Something about the buzz that rolled in made me think of being in a single engine airplane...
Sundae Driver is a 50/50 hybrid that is a cross of Fruity Pebbles OG and Grape Pie, both delicious strains, in and of themselves. This version that we looked at tested at 21.46% THC...
I called this one a “Born To Run” high, because I could almost hear the Bruce Springsteen song in my head as the high started to hit me. The empowering rush of THC made me feel like I was in the driver seat of a powerful muscle car. I could feel the engine of THC revving, with the high just asking me, “where do you want to go?”
Let’s talk about Jack Herer - both the legendary hemp activist and the cannabis strain named after him…
I’ve smoked numerous versions of Sour Diesel over the years, from the very top shelf to some rather questionable versions. I expect two very special qualities from a Sour D – a pungent gassy aroma and a gentle, lifting high... how did this version from Glass House Farms do? Read the review and find out!
Motivating, cerebral, contemplative yet social, relaxed… I really saw no downside to the Lemon Fire OG high, once I got past the first ten minutes...
This one is for the diesel lovers, those that love the stinky, fuel-smelling herbs - this one has it through the roof!
I'd seen a few Instagram posts of the new strain called Lava Cake that Coastal Sun had just dropped a few weeks earlier, and I was very intrigued. Everything I’ve smoked from Coastal Sun has been exceptional, so, this rare strain called Lava Cake had me quite curious – what would it be like?
The day will come when this COVID thing will be behind us, and if you’re like me, you’re planning to throw a big party when that day arrives! Well, this week I found the perfect herb to take to that party, and it’s called True Berrymore – let me tell you about this fine strain.
When I got the orange, smell-proof bag open I was immediately hit with a whiff of sweetness and gassy diesel… and there was that cherry aroma that this strain is known for!
This strain, an Indica-dominant hybrid which is a cross of Cheese, Skunk #1 and Pineapple, is one of the many delicious strains in Arcanna’s unique lineup of tasty and high-powered flowers.
The herb gave me what I’m calling “the big bubble high”. If you could imagine feeling your body all the way out to the edge of your personal space, that 2-3 feet that surrounds you. That’s how this herb felt to me…
Stress melting, delicious Indica goodness, a sweetness that delights the senses and a euphoric lift – I call this one a top-notch “dessert herb”!
The effects rolled in like a fog bank with fuzzy waves of euphoria. I’m talking about a comforting, happy fog that took about ten minutes to really show up – a classic creeper herb.
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