9.25.2020 | The Last Prisoner Project

Welcome back to the red bench!

I use marijuana for medical reasons. I have for years and years. When I’m smoking the herb, about 70% of the time, I’m just working on managing the symptoms of depression. Once in a while, everything is right in my body and mind, and then I get to smoke just for the pure pleasure of enjoying this natural and safe plant that alters my consciousness in the best of ways.

Natural and safe plant. Let’s focus on that for a second. No one has ever died from smoking cannabis – EVER – it’s virtually impossible to smoke enough to do yourself any damage. The smoke from the herb (in small doses) might actually cause the lungs to breathe better. It helps with an amazing number of physical and mental conditions…

Cannabis grows practically everywhere in the world under very diverse conditions. It is a storehouse of incredible physical properties that make it useful for thousands of things – from making fiber for clothes, to being a fuel source and being able to be processed into plastics, for just a few examples. It’s truly one of the most useful plants on the planet, hands down. It’s almost as if some Creator placed the plant here to benefit us.

So here’s what blows my mind – there are tons of people that hate this plant! How can this be?


Politics, Ignorance, Greed and Stupidity…

Across the “Land of the Free” thousands of men and women are in prison because they believed in the plant and ignored the laws prohibiting it’s possession, sale and use. They can not be forgotten while a few of us get to enjoy the benefits of legal marijuana.

So let me introduce you to the The Last Prisoner Project.

“Imagine sitting in a cell for years, decades, or even for life, convicted of an activity that is no longer a crime, while thousands of other people build intergenerational wealth doing exactly the same thing.

That is the situation that over 40,000 cannabis prisoners face today in the United States alone, while countless others languish in jails and prisons worldwide. The Last Prisoner Project is a nonprofit coalition of cannabis industry leaders, executives, and artists dedicated to bringing restorative justice to the cannabis industry.”

I encourage you to visit their website and read all about this necessary and important effort. They list a bunch of ways you can get involved. I know I’ll be doing more than just this post to help this effort.


A Consumer Approach To Helping…

I encourage donating to The Last Prisoner Project – but here’s a couple consumer options to helping the cause while getting a little something out of it…

Last Prisoner Pipe – The company that made the bong I use and love (GRAV) first brought my attention to this worthwhile non-profit. GRAV makes a really nice spoon pipe that I’ve got my eye on. It’s all black and has The Last Prisoner Project logo etched into it. All profits got to the project. Unfortunately it’s sold out right now, but I’m keeping an eye on this one.



The Farmer and The Felon – This is a brand of herb I recently came across. I picked up an eighth of their herb to review.

“At Farmer and the Felon™, we’re determined to preserve the countercultural history of the prohibition era while advocating for social justice for the cannabis prisoners in the here-and-now. As industry veterans dedicated to cannabis freedom, we aren’t interested in being just another weed brand. We are, Cannabis for Change.™”

I like their attitude, and this weekend I’ll find out if I like their herb when I do a video review and try out their Hashbar OG. That will be posted next Wednesday on New Review Wednesday!


A Thought About Jon’s Daily Sesh Emails

For two weeks now we’ve been sending out Jon’s Daily Sesh by email – the complete post instead of just an excerpt. The change has brought up a few issues. Apparently I edit better after I hit the “publish” button. Once I do hit the button the email flies out into the world – and then we find all our last typos! 😉 Not to mention, the traffic at our website has dropped off dramatically. Oh boy.

So… unless there is a major uprising from our viewers before Monday, we are making the switch back to sending our emails with a photo and an excerpt each day. I’ll try and make the excerpts a little longer, but the result is the same… you have to click the button to read the rest!

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Until later, best of health ??

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Denise Alley
September 28, 2020 9:45 am

Funny, I just was looking at GRAV’s gear last night. Love it??

Denise Alley
September 28, 2020 9:42 am

It’s Monday and I hope There’s more ? on the website ?. I Love these. Sooooo Helpful and Extremely informative? I don’t know how to leave reviews anymore 🙁 It doesn’t let me. But I mess them up too many times ?. Always a 5***** from me. Hope you’re enjoying your day and smiling, feeling happy and upbeat. Enjoy today Jon????