10.12.2020 | Jelly Donuts and the Daytona 500

Welcome back to the Red Bench… this is a big day for us – it’s our anniversary and we’ll be celebrating 34 years of love!

I’ve got two herbs to tell you about today – one that totally lifted me, and one that sent me to Couch Lock City. Let’s check them out…

Daytona 500

This is a rare flower – the product of one grower’s work which I was fortunate enough to try a gram of the other day. The genetics are a secret known only to the cultivator. I hope they take this one further and move it into full scale production because it’s really nice!

The 50/50 hybrid definitely leans towards the Sativa side, and is a real fog cutter, full of mental stimulation while relaxing the body. I was so sleepy when I took a few hits of this one and boy, did it pick me up and get my brain humming.

Opening the jar I was greeted with a delightful berry smell… very sweet – combined with the aroma of fresh incense. The dense and well-cured nug was dusky light green in color and had a hint of purple and lots of orange hairs.

The buds were lightly sticky when I cut them up, they burned very nicely in the bowl – smoking all the way down to a white ash. The hits were smooth and delicious, tasting earthy and they had a crab cake flavor with hints of sweet vanilla. An unusual combo, but very tasty! And the aftertaste was like a bite of steak with A1 on it… how yummy is that?!

Once I got started on this herb I wanted to keep going and smoke the whole nug, it felt that good – that mentally invigorating. But instead I’m going to set the rest of the bud aside until tomorrow and start my day with this one… I imagine it’ll pair well with coffee! [note: it does!]

Jelly Donut

This is one strong Indica-leaning hybrid – a cross of Girl Scout Cookies and King Louis XIII – two of my top twenty strains. I was expecting a lot out of this one…

Surprisingly, it was so powerfully sedating, this strain… just a few hits and I was headed to Couch Lock City! This herb just laughed at my high tolerance and proceeded to wipe me out. One hit… so nice. Two hits… oh my. Three hits… so stoned. Four hits… ooops, almost too much. Five hits… bedtime!

There is no denying that this is a delicious smelling herb! Opening the jar released a very sweet smell, like the filling in a cherry jelly donut! I kept opening and closing the jar just to smell the delicious aroma. The taste followed the smell, and added an earthy undertone that made the smoking experience very satisfying.

The strong Indica head and body buzz came on immediately with the first sweet hit. The second hit was more spicy, peppery but still very sweet. The flavor grew increasingly dank as the hits progressed and the buzz just kept building after I stopped smoking. Very soon I was lidded and I felt like a heavy weight was sitting on top of my head. After that it was a struggle to keep my eyes open they got so heavy with sleep.

This one, I’m saving to smoke just before bed. If you’re a novice smoker, I suggest starting real slow with Jelly Donut, and let the first few hits settle in before going any further. Now that I think about it, I’d make the same suggestion to a seasoned-smoker. You’ve been warned! 😉

Of course, if Couch Lock City is your destination, then by all means, load up that bowl and you’ll be there in no time!


Have a great day – and until tomorrow, best of health!

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Until later, best of health ??

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October 12, 2020 2:39 pm

Happy Anniversary Jon! ?? Another awesome review!
