Jon’s Daily Sesh | 12.3.2020 | Breaking Out Of The Box

Sometimes you build yourself into a box because it seems like a good idea at the time. But after awhile it kind of sucks being inside the box you’ve built, and you’ve got to break the box so you can start again.

When I started writing Jon’s Daily Sesh back in August I had no idea whether I could write a blog five days a week or not, but I wanted to give it a try. We set up a schedule of postings – Monday through Friday – for my various written herb reviews and cannabis musings… and I grabbed a hold of the schedule and started to build a box.

I am a writer, and writing about cannabis is about the most fun I can have using my writing skills, so I religiously got into the schedule. I was really excited to discover I could actually keep the schedule, writing over ninety posts up to this point! Nothing got in the way of writing the next post because I saw this as a way to build the audience for the main point of our Red Bench Reviews project – the weekly video reviews.

Well, our video review audience is growing daily, but it isn’t from my writing. The two have grown into their own separate worlds, which is okay. This has been an experiment, so we’re just seeing what happens here. And what’s happened is not what we expected, and the box I’ve built isn’t working out.

Lately I’ve been feeling a bit stuck inside my box of Monday through Friday postings, so we’re blowing up the box and keeping the good stuff that’s inside!

The New Plan

Jon’s Daily Sesh (JDS) is going organic…

I will still be posting often, but not in a rigid, weekly, Monday through Friday fashion. Now you might get a JDS on Sunday even – how crazy is that?! You might get five posts a week, you might get three… and if depression is wiping me out, you might just get one.

The content of JDS will still be the same, the only thing we’re blowing up is the publishing schedule. We recommend subscribing so you don’t miss out on every fresh new post – after all, I still have a thousand things to say about the herb!

Until later, best of health.

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Until later, best of health ??

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December 5, 2020 12:34 pm

Organic is the way go. Very excited for your new, flex schedule!

Steve J
December 3, 2020 12:01 pm

‘Jon’s daily sesh was made for man not man for the daily sesh’ It’s fun seeing the evolution of this thing, Jon. Here’s to more JDS’ whenever the good muse wills it

December 3, 2020 11:53 am

It’s tough to keep a rigid itinerary with posting blogs and videos. I’m like you Jon, it’s much more comfortable to just publish something when the mood strikes you. It becomes less of a “job”and stays in the “fun” category. ??