Jon’s Daily Sesh | 1.16.2021 | A Lifesaver, A Medicine, A Companion, A Relief

As you know – I love the herb, no question about it! It has been a lifesaver, a medicine, a companion, a relief, and one of the most amazing plants, or substances, I’ve ever encountered. I’m sure I’m not the only one that feels that way, as Americans spent over 18 billion dollars buying cannabis products during this last year. Cannabis is big business and getting bigger every year… once full-scale legalization hits, expect that 18 billion to skyrocket!

Today I have a question for my fellow pot smokers – how many of you suffer from depression and/or bi-polar disorder?

I’m asking this because depression is heavy on my mind today, literally. I woke up into the third day of a hard depression this morning. Today is worse than yesterday, and this has the feel of a long bout, but we shall see. This is a common occurrence for me, as I’ve mentioned in the past. Depression is never far away, even when I get a period of relief. Every month the depression cycles through because it’s a chronic illness, and it certainly isn’t circumstantial. Things are good right now in our life, and I have a project I love working on – Red Bench Reviews!

I’ve noticed, over the last twenty years or so since I’ve been dealing with this illness, that many people who have depression and/or bi-polar disorder use the herb to manage their symptoms – so many it amazes me. Because I’m very open about my depression, people often share their stories about their battles, and marijuana is often part of their arsenal against the depression monster.


Today the depression is just awful – there’s a dark sadness, lots of physical aches and pains, negative ruminations and a very noisy mental situation – my brain just runs around and around, seemingly of its own volition, on crappy thoughts… even while I’m writing.

Of course, I’m not writing about my symptoms to gain sympathy, but just to lay out exactly what I’m experiencing. I know that many others go through this same thing and will recognize what I’m writing as what they go through on some level…

I ate an edible a couple hours ago and I’m finally feeling some measure of relief. I smoked some herb earlier – it helped, but then the depression just came rushing back in. Now I’m going to eat another edible, and I know the build up of THC will push the depression away for a good couple of hours. Hallelujah!

As I’ve mentioned in other posts, I take several prescription meds to help with the depression. Does anything actually cure depression? Nope! There isn’t pill on the market that does that. All a person that has depression can do – is find the best way to deal with the symptoms.

I’d give you everything I’ve got for a little peace of mind…” – The Beatles.

What is an hour or two of peace and quiet, no stress and anxiety and complete body comfort worth to you? What would it be worth to you to NOT spend the day being beat up by depression or taken on a manic run with bi-polar disorder? To me those moments of relief are priceless. Everyday I thank my Creator for making this amazing plant that does what no pharmaceutical pill I’ve ever used can do, and with so few side effects – and the side effects being increased appetite, a little dry mouth, and maybe a nap!

Because this plant has done so much for me on a daily basis, year after year, I’ve been fighting for it’s legalization and normalization for most of my life. And now, after all these years – we’re getting so close to the finish line I can almost taste it.

How about you – does any of this resonate with you? Have you been managing the symptoms of an illness with the herb? I’d love to hear your story – so feel free to use the comments below to tell me about your experiences.

Until later, best of health.

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Until later, best of health ??

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January 16, 2021 9:43 pm

Hi Jon
I was diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder along with Generalized Anxiety Disorder at a young age, and it has been a psychological war for me most of my life.
I have been on many different antidepressants and anti-anxiety meds over the years. I started using high CBD cannabis about 2 years ago on a daily basis, and since then, I’ve been able to go from taking 60 mg. of Prozac a day, down to only 20 mg. per day. I have also gone from taking Klonopin daily, to only taking it when I really need it, which is maybe once a week, sometimes less.
This plant is truly part of our DNA, and wherever it came from millions of years ago, it was no doubt created to contribute to our biological and spiritual makeup as humans.

Denise Alley
Reply to  Rocky
January 17, 2021 5:17 pm

I have been diagnosed with just about everything. It’s been awful. I’m 47 and I started feeling anxiety when I was a senior in college. I used THC recreationally, all the time, was in an abusive marriage and when getting out was given Prozac and Klonopin 4mgs. I’ve since had a horrific life experience, that lead my psychologist, (but not Psychiatrist, who went through it with me for 17 years), to access me for c~pstd. I believe you all know I’ve just started with the medical card and now learning about the wonderful Ben of CBD and THC, if used correctly. I should say, if you find what works for you. I haven’t been so lucky. Though, here I am, on 4 meds, that don’t work, for depression and anxiety (GAD), without finding the right mix or strains. The “Sativas” are what I need, bc I’m sleepy from my mind reliving the hows and whys, all day long. But I get them and I’m so sedated. I’m thinking it’s the meds I’m on. I hear these wonderful stories about getting off of klonopin and I’m dying to figure out HOW ?. The others I can deal with the withdrawals. I truly tried, without CBD or THC, awhile back, to get off of it, 2xs. I thought I was Goi to freak out. Lol! Literally ? So here I am, enjoying a day filled with anxiety, fears and depression. I feel for you both. I understand it. Some don’t. But, I have 2 large bags filled with CBD, (2 that I love~the only 2 I have that are CBD ha! and none do the trick. I was just talking with the 1 friend I have, that uses it, my best friend too, and we’ve decided that we’re going to dive in daily. Her sister own 2 CBD stores here. I don’t know anything about what she sells. I’m sticking to what I like ;). The THC, I just need to bring a siren or something ?, so these butenders listen to me. I do know which to choose. They always change my mind. I’m Goi to stay with the Nano gummies. If I sleep, it’s okay. I just need to figure out how to come off of the benzo, without freaking out. I haven’t reread what I wrote and I’m exhausted, so forgive my rant. I truly wish you both the best and feel better Jon. I was thinking about you and finding the Holy Grail today. I think a lot LOL. You truly are blessed out in California, with the strains and support you have and I believe you’regoing to find that damm Holy Grail and send some this way. Happy Sunday and Truly try and enjoy your week ahead ??? I think I wrote under Rocky’s. Have a Wonderful night. Both of you and stay safe and healthy ???