
Look & Feel








SCALE – 1 (Poor) 2 (Average) 3 (Very Good) 4 (Exceptional) 5 (Holy Grail)

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The Review

New Review Wednesday- 2021 | Episode #17 | Glass House Farms | Sour Dubble

I felt the first hit of Sour Dubble by Glass House Farms tingle in my brain as the THC started to move through my bloodstream. I felt the hit completely in my head, and assumed I was getting ready for a Sativa high, and then it started to seriously shift…

Sour Dubble, or Sour Dubb as it’s sometimes called, is a cross of East Coast Sour Diesel and Sour Bubble. Whenever I see that an herb has some Sour Diesel in it I anticipate a great Sativa high that is super chill. I’ve seen Sour Dubb listed a Sativa-dominant hybrid, and the label on the jar called this a Sativa, so I wasn’t mistaken to expect a Sativa high… boy, was I surprised when the high veered in a Indica direction. And with 21.55% THC in the engine, when it veered, it drove off in a completely different direction then I expected.

The Look and Smell

Glass House Farms packages their herb in tall, slender glass jars.

Surprisingly they don’t use an induction seal on the jar to preserve the freshness. I think the herb suffered a little bit for this because the small nugs were a bit dry when I poured them out on the tray. I was a little disappointed when the eighth weighed in short at just 3.41 grams.

The jar smell of the herb was strong but not overpowering, and reminded me of Sour Diesel right off the bat. Sour and sweet, with a dank earthiness that had a diesel aroma. I am a diesel lover, and the aroma was enough to get me excited.

The nugs had an airy, Sativa look – and they were frosted with lots of trichomes.

The buds were well-cured, and as I mentioned just a bit dry, but there was still enough moisture that the cut-up herb was sticky and aromatic.

The Taste and Effects

I loaded up my bong with an anticipation of a Sour Diesel-esque experience, like I noted above. Sour Diesel is my favorite Sativa – so I was expecting a euphoric, talkative high with a boost of body energy which is my typical reaction to smoking that strain.

The first hit was delicious, but a bit understated. I wondered if the taste was not as strong as it could have been because of the herb was a bit dry? There was a dank, diesel taste on the inhale and a light sweetness on the exhale. I guessed the sweetness came from the Sour Bubble parent because of a slight bubblegum flavor. The smoke was smooth and by the time the second hit settled in, the high was already going straight to my head – just like I’d expect from a Sativa.

Surprisingly, the high took a different direction once it started to fill my head – very quickly I noticed the lidded feeling on my eyes, and the nerves in my head got the marijuana fuzzies, both of which I would expect from an Indica… hmm. And then I got quiet as I became deeply contemplative, in a serious way. I slipped into a mood of thoughtfulness that had a ponderous weight, and my mind was ready to tackle heavy issues.

Meanwhile the high was slowly taking off in a physical way, with my body hardly feeling anything until I smoked my fifth or sixth hit. The slow takeoff of the high reminded me of trying to fly in a dream… lots of effort and concentration is involved in leaving the ground, but once I’m airborne I begin to cruise. After my sixth hit I got to cruising altitude and stayed there for over an hour.

At cruising altitude the high was completely encompassing – I felt the herb all over, but still it was mainly sitting on my shoulders, filling my head with the satisfying feeling of being well-stoned. The seriousness continued but never in an overwhelming fashion – and I had plenty of stoned thoughts that caused me to laugh to myself, adding a subtle sense of humor to the serious high.

The Wrap Up

I smoked this one several more times over the weekend and the seriousness hit me every time. Strangely, getting high on Sour Dubble reminded me of hanging out with my mom, whom I loved and miss enormously. Though she never smoked herb in her life, I can imagine her appreciating this herb’s high. My mother had a serious, no-nonsense demeanor, a sharply inquisitive mind, and a subtle sense of humor. The Sour Dubble high had all those qualities.

As I continue the search for the Holy Grail of herb, I’m glad we visited this strain on the way. I can only remember a handful of herbs I’ve smoked over the years that made me feel so serious, but this was a good reminder that not all highs are euphoric and uplifting. Some herb will take your mind into serious contemplation… not that there is anything wrong with that. There is a time and a place for all kinds of thinking.

After an hour at cruising altitude the high started to descend and came in for a nice and gentle landing. I gave this one a 4.1 rating, mainly based on the smell and the effects. I really enjoyed this one’s high once I reached cruising altitude. I have a little of the eighth of Sour Dubble left, and I’m saving it (in a jar with a Boveda humidity pack) for the day I need to do some serious thinking. Use the right tool for the right job, as they say.

Until later, best of health.

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April 28, 2021 1:19 pm

very nice review of this contemplative type herb Jon. ??