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The Review

New Review Wednesday – 2021 | Episode #24 | Flame Train CBD | Cat’s Meow

Cat’s Meow is a strain that comes from Flame Train CBD and is a cross of wild Thai, a strain called Cat Piss and Sage Kush – an interesting mix that creates a Sativa hybrid. This is an indoor-grown herb and just glancing at the buds you can see this is craft herb…

[Disclaimer: This herb was provided by Flame Train CBD in exchange for an honest review]

Look and Smell

Flame Train CBD packages their herb in a Mylar bag that has a peek-a-boo window on the back.

I could see that the buds looks great in the bag through the window and when I opened the bag I wasn’t disappointed. Even though I had slightly crushed the package when I received it, the two nugs in the eighth were thick, chunky and impressive. The nugs were frosty with trichomes and packed with orange hairs.

The smell of the herb was packed with citrus aromas. Serious tangerine – the sweet fruit, the rind, heck… it’s like walking through a tangerine orchard smelling the bag. Cutting up the first nug you could tell this craft herb was grown and cured with care. The nugs were well-manicured and very sticky when I cut them up. I already knew this was going to be a great smoker…

The Taste and Effects

The aromas carried straight over to the flavor – sweet tangerine! The first hit was thick with the flavor, both on the inhale and the exhale. I am definitely partial to citrus-flavored herb, and this one was pushing all the right buttons. I quickly jumped into a second hit to savor the flavor. The smoke was sooo smooth making the smoking process a great pleasure, and I ended up smoking two bowls from the bong during my first sesh.

By the time I finished the second bowl I was seriously CBD stoned with a very positive, happy energy. The good energy this herb has was noticeable after just the first few hits. The effects felt so good I decided to push the envelope and take this one for a full run. Those few hits turned into four or five hits and by this time the body effects started to kick in – relaxed and comfortable with a distinct fuzzy feeling in the back of my head.

By the sixth hit everything in my body seemed to align properly and it felt like my spirit and body were vibrating at the same speed – everything in it’s right place. And for a good ten to fifteen minutes I felt so stoned. The stoned quality faded into a motivated, contemplative, and energetic high that led to some great conversation with my wife after the review was finished. A great socializing herb, for sure.

The Wrap Up

Cat’s Meow is definitely the cat’s meow, as they say. I loved this herb and was so glad I got to try it. Would I order it again? In a heartbeat! The nugs are premium, the smell is amazing, the cure is fantastic and the smoking experience was a quality sesh!

Would you like to try this herb? Flame Train CBD has provided a 15% off deal for all Red Bench Review readers and viewers. Just use the code “redbench” at check out and save yourself a few dollars!

Website link: https://flametraincbd.com/shop/ols/products/indoor-light-dep-cat-s-meow


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Spencer peake
February 16, 2023 10:17 pm

Is this website legit

July 14, 2021 1:56 pm

Man, I need to try this. Nice review!