
Look & Feel








SCALE – 1 (Poor) 2 (Average) 3 (Very Good) 4 (Exceptional) 5 (Holy Grail)

Product Description

In the old days of clandestine growing, people found many strains to be unsuitable for stealthy indoor grows. Sativa strains were too large and took too long, while many indica strains smelled too strongly to go unnoticed. Enter the Pacific Northwest Hash Plant, a compact, quick-flowering, low-odor plant that still delivers large yields and tons of resin. Archive Seed Bank crossed this plant with their favorite male, the Face Off OG backcross, to create Hashbar OG, a 70% indica-dominant hybrid that generates THC levels between 20% and 24%. While the smell of this strain is light, it still delivers a nice OG flavor when smoked. – Leafly



The Review

Welcome back to the red bench – it’s time for another Red Bench Review!

This week we’re getting into an Indica-dominate hybrid strain called Hashbar OG from Farmer And The Felon, a cannabis company that prides itself on being socially conscious. This is my first time ever trying this strain, or this brand, so I was very curious to see what they brought to the table.

I was specifically drawn to the brand because of their support of The Last Prisoner Project, an organization we are happy to bring your attention to… this is a quote from the LPP website:

“Imagine sitting in a cell for years, decades, or even for life, convicted of an activity that is no longer a crime, while thousands of other people build intergenerational wealth doing exactly the same thing.

That is the situation that over 40,000 cannabis prisoners face today in the United States alone, while countless others languish in jails and prisons worldwide. The Last Prisoner Project is a nonprofit coalition of cannabis industry leaders, executives, and artists dedicated to bringing restorative justice to the cannabis industry.”

I recently wrote a blog post about the organization, and if you’re interested, go check it out and find out a few ways you can support this worthy project…

So let’s get into it – let’s “unbox” this herb and try it out!


Hashbar OG is a cross of Hash Plant and Faceoff OG, bred by the Archive Seed Bank. This version we’re trying today came in at 23.10% THC and a total cannabinoid percentage of 27.52 – oh my!

Hash Plant used to be one of my favorites around 2008-2009. It’s a short, compact Indica plant that has a dank, Kush smell, and a strong Indica high that really sets you back in your seat.

Faceoff OG is a serious, knock-out strain. Not for beginners, as they say. Good stuff for a serious chill-out sesh. I’m surprised how often I come across it while researching other strains, Faceoff OG seems to have found it’s way into the lineage of a number of strains.

The Look, Smell and Taste

Farmer And The Felon have opted for a flavor-seal bag to package their product in… there is a little window in the front of the bag to check out the herb you’re buying. On the back of the package are the words “Cannabis For Change”, the standard California warning, their web address and they let us know they are proud sponsors of The Last Prisoner Project. I certainly applaud that, as you may have gathered.

The bag was double sealed, first with a tear-off seal on top and then a zip-lock inside. But unfortunately these seals didn’t prevent the herb inside from being a bit dry. I could tell the small to medium sized light green nugs had a good cure – the smell was there, in a mellow fashion – but Hashbar OG is known to have a very mellow smell so I wasn’t surprised.

The aroma that hit my nose when I cut up the first nug was the traditional, hashy, dank Kush smell. Unmistakable if you’ve ever spent time with a Kush strain. Already my brain was getting excited by just that smell… it’s a sensation that takes me back to the days when I used to photograph herb for collectives in Long Beach. Smell is such a time-machine.

I should also note there was a sweet pine smell to the nugs, and they had a slightly sour OG finish. This strain definitely landed on the sweeter side of the OG family… all-in-all, a delightful combination of smells.

The flavor of the herb was just like the smell – dank, kushy, earthy, woodsy… a bit piney. The smooth smoke had such a nice aftertaste that I let the few hits I took during my first sesh with this herb linger on my tongue. My mind drifting back over the years, remembering the delightful Hash Plant strains I had smoked over a decade ago…

Hold it… just a few hits?!? Did I read that right? Oh yes, let’s talk about how strong this herb was…

The Effects

Stoned. I think they must have invented the term for this strain. There was no “high” the first few seshes I had with this one – it went straight to stoned from the first hit! And then to very stoned, as the effects quickly built to a powerful (but pleasant) kick to the head that settled on to the shoulders and down into the body.

In moments I felt the familiar cannabis vibrations throughout my body – strongly – from the ends of my toes to the tips of my dreads. Then the stone transformed – from the nearly overwhelming experience of cannabinoids and terpenes flooding the system – to pure comfort within a few short minutes. Ahhh!

And that was after just three hits, oh boy!

The effects at that point were pure “couchlock”. I don’t use that term too often, but in this case it fit. Want an herb that puts you back in your chair and makes you stay there? Try Hashbar OG and see if it doesn’t do the trick.*

The high lasted for awhile. I kind of lost track of the time when we retired to the patio to watch the moon rise while the afternoon sunlight transformed into blues, pinks, oranges and purples as twilight approached across the desert valley below… it was a perfect evening. When the stoned effects wore off I didn’t really notice – it just faded away into the night.

The Follow-Up

The seshes towards the end of the eighth lost some of the original kick, but that’s just because I have a higher tolerance then the average smoker. The hashy, Kush flavor kept bringing me back, and as my body got used to the effects it was easier to smoke through a bowl and get stuff done, like write this post. The body comfort side of the effects didn’t diminish at all and were, by the end of the bag, what I was enjoying the most from this strain.

I give this strain a solid thumbs up. I would recommend this for a more seasoned-smoker looking for a seriously chill sesh… a novice might find the initial effects overwhelming. Would I buy this again? I don’t see any reason not to… I’d love to spend more time with this herb, while supporting a good cause like The Last Prisoner Project. It’s a win-win!

Have a great week. I hope your bowl is full of delightful cannabis and your head is in a pleasant place. Until next time, best of health.

*I would like to point out that your smoking experience will, quite likely, vary from mine – smoking herb is a subjective experience based on many factors including the set and setting of the user, so keep that in mind when trying out this herb or any herb I review.


The Lowdown

StrainHashbar OG
TypeHybrid – Indica Dom.
GeneticsHash Plant X Faceoff OG
BrandFarmer And The Felon
Location PurchasedThe Lighthouse | Palm Springs
THC Level23.10%
Cost$35 + tax
Purchase Weight3.5 grams – 1/8 oz
Actual Weight3.45 grams
Look & Feel
PackagingFlavor Seal Bag
ColorTan, Light Green, Medium Green
FreshnessWell Cured, but a little dry.
TouchLight Sticky
Look & Feel Rating3
Base SmellSweet, with sour undertones…
Secondary SmellsPine
Secondary Smells – OtherKush, dank, a hint of pepper
Strength – SmellMellow
Smell Rating3.25
Smell ImpressionThe jar smell is light. A very Kush smell.
Flavor – OtherSweet, Pine, Woodsy, Kush
Smoke TextureSmooth
Strength – TasteMellow
Taste Rating3.5
Taste ImpressionsHas a Kush taste, predominately.
How Much Injested?4 hits (1/4 gram)
Speed of OnsetImmediate
Where Do You Feel It?All Over
Main EffectsPhysical, Relaxing, Creative
Strength – EffectsStrong
DurationOver an Hour
Effects Rating4
Effects ImmpressionThis one had no high – went straight to stoned.
Pros1. Very stony for a seasoned smoker
Cons1. Extremely stony for a novice smoker
Total Rating3.45
Total Rating – Why?While this is a very good herb and the stone is quite nice, it just doesn’t get to that next level…
Would I buy this again?Yes
Rating Scale1 (Poor) 2 (Average) 3 (Very Good) 4 (Exceptional) 5 (Holy Grail)


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