
[Edited for clarity]


[00:00:00] Intro: Coming to you from the hi-desert of Southern California, Red Bench Reviews brings you Today’s Sesh with Jon. Grab a joint, load your bong, or pack your pipe, and let’s get this sesh started.

[00:00:18] Jon: Hello, my friends. Welcome to the sesh. My name is Jon, and I’ll be your host as we continue the search for the Holy Grail of Herb. Well, my friends, I’ve got a box in front of me. I’ve got a box that says CRU cannabis, Purple Kush on it that has an eighth of Purple Kush in it.

[00:00:41] Well, it doesn’t have quite an eighth in it anymore because… I got to admit straight up front that I broke into this last night! I’ve been having really, really severe depressions. And it’s been really crippling me for getting anything done. And last night it was particularly bad and my wife suggested that maybe that Purple Kush that you got to review, maybe that would help out. And I broke into the Purple Kush last night.

[00:01:17] And oh my gosh, okay, I’m just…. we’re just going to just rush straight on in here and start talking about Purple Kush. Let me save the story about how it helped my depression for later on when I’m talking about the effects of this one.

[00:01:34] This Purple Kush. It comes in a gray box from CRU Cannabis is this 8th, it’s 31.36% THC. So this is, this is pretty strong.

This is an Indica dominant strain. I mean, it say it’s an Indica dominant strain… but really it’s just an Indica, pure Indica, because this is a cross of Hindu Kush, which is a land race strain. Hindu Kush – beautiful strain, one I absolutely love to get my hands on and Afghani Purple. And when you put together Hindu Kush and Afghani Purple, like the breeders up in Oakland, California did quite a while ago, and you come up with a classic – classic Purple Kush.

[00:02:25] The nugs that I’m looking at are not very big today, but they are compact as can be. They are dense, dense nugs. They are well cured. They look like they could be indoor grown, quite possibly. They have a lot of trichomes on them. They are dark green and purple.

[00:02:50] And when you open the baggie, oh my gosh, hear that? [sound of Mylar bag] That’s the baggie. When you open the baggie, let’s, let’s just talk about the smell here. Oh my gosh, that is, I, I just want to live in a room that smells like this, okay?

[00:03:12] Okay, what, what I’ve got here is, oh my gosh, I wish we had digital scratch and sniff so that you guys could be joining me in these aromas that are very purple. This is the definition of the color purple, what the color purple smells like. It smells like what’s in this baggie.

[00:03:38] I’m just, I’m just reveling in that beautiful purple smell now… it is sweet. It is berries. It is purple. It is grape, like grape punch, you know, or, or as my wife described it last night, when we first opened the package, she goes. “Those are great pixie sticks. They smell like great pixie sticks,” and that is absolutely the smell that you can get from this Purple Kush when it’s really well grown.

[00:04:10] And this is really well grown, really well cured Purple Kush. Oh my gosh. I’m let me get my bong and let me take some hits of this.

[00:04:22] Okay, my friends, I’m back. I have just cut up a bowl’s worth of herb. And let me tell you that was some sticky, sticky purple herb all the way through… the aromas that I was enjoying while I was cutting that up…

[00:04:40] I just once again want to reiterate that I wish they would come up with the technology that would allows us to do digital scratch and sniff. Where I could capture an aroma and then you guys could digitally download it and enjoy it too. Until that, that time comes, we’re just going to have to settle for the pictures that I have taken.

[00:05:04] I have taken some pictures of the box, of the packaging that it comes in… this box has a Mylar bag inside, and the Mylar bag is what I was rustling around earlier and making noise with… I got pictures of the contents of the baggie, what, what an eighth looks like.

You’ll notice that when I take my pictures of the contents of the packaging that I have now tended to use a quarter (coin). You’ll see a quarter just because everybody knows how big a quarter looks, so I’m using quarters so that you can judge the size of the nugs. And you can see those photos on Just come on over to after you’re done listening, or while you’re listening to this podcast and check out the photos.

[00:06:01] All right. My bong is loaded. So let’s… without any further ado, let’s jump into taking some hits of this Purple Kush. And let’s tell you what it’s like. All right. Purple Kush from CRU cannabis.

[sound of bong toke]

[00:06:32] Mmm,

[00:06:37] that has got Purple flavor from the beginning to the end. Oh my gosh, my, I have such sweet flavors in my mouth right now in the aftertaste. Earthy, dank, oh my, but very sweet and very purple. That purple flavor, oh. Okay, the effects from this one come on right away. I’m already under the effects of it. Wow.

[00:07:10] Purple Kush. Love it. I’m going to take a second hint.

[sound of bong toke]

[00:07:24] Oh, wow.

[00:07:31] Oh, my. Oh, wow. What we usually do. Is, uh, we wait 10 minutes for the effects to come on, but we’re going to skip that this week. We’re not going to, we’re not going to do the 10 minutes later. We’re just going to, we’re going to feel the effects in real time is what we’re going to do this time.

[00:07:58] And, uh, let me just, let me just tell you right now, there is a deep relaxation that is moving into my body. Right now as I’m feeling this… there’s no hesitation on this herb. It just comes on straight right away as you take those hits, while you’re mesmerized by the flavor… as I was… you can tell I was as just really caught up in those flavors. While you’re mesmerized by those flavors the effects start sneaking in under underneath you and, I feel it in my shoulders. I feel it running up and down my spine. I feel it in my legs. It’s just this really nice body high that is coming on.

[00:08:50] Well, because I’m not doing the 10 minute later today, we’re going to take some more hits. All right. So let me take another hit of this Purple Kush. Oh my, my brain is already getting a little bit spun.

[sound of bong toke]

[00:09:21] Oh my, last night I smoked this from my pipe. And this, just goes up to 11 now. My pipe was at 10, this is going to 11. Oh my gosh. My head is just really feeling it right now. Now it’s starting to come into my head and my frontal lobes feel like they’re in a cloud. If I was going to draw my brain, it would be surrounded by a cloud right now.

[00:09:57] Oh my gosh. That is so, so comfortable. This one has a very comfortable quality to it. My goodness. Sorry, you’re going to get a little bit of radio silence as I’m thinking. I’m like, this is, this is what I do during the 10 minutes… without all the talking. My 10 minute breaks… I sit here and I have on my computer in front of me, I have a page to a Word doc that I’m writing notes and I just sit here and I kind of meditate.

[00:10:37] I just like, I feel my body. I’m very sensitive to all of my nerves throughout my whole body because I’ve been doing these reviews so many times that I’m just very good at feeling what my body feels like. I think it’s, to me, it’s really cool because it means I’m experiencing the high at the ultimate level. When I smoke with you guys, I get so much higher. It is the bong. I usually just reserve my bong for when I’m doing reviews because I like to get that special extra push from the bong and which it is definitely doing today.

[00:11:30] Oh my, I don’t… I’ve completely now forgotten what I was talking about.

[00:11:38] Okay, so let’s get back to the review of this herb.

What is going on in my head… that’s one of the questions I ask myself. I’m like, what is going on in my head right now? So what is going on in my head? And I, I picture things visually right now. There’s like a saucer that is wrapped around my head. A band all the way around my head, a foggy band. If you’re familiar with a strain called headband. Headband is called a headband because it makes you feel like you’ve got a headband, on your head. And this strain definitely produces that effect, that similar effect.

[00:12:31] Oh my gosh. Now I’m just really a bit foggy, a bit cloudy. I feel like my thinking isn’t as clear as it should be. I tend to forget what I’m talking about as you saw just a few minutes ago. Oh my goodness.

[00:12:55] Okay. So here we are. We are at what I would call… it’s starting to feel like about 10 minutes later. Now the high has started to settle down into my body.

See, and that’s what I just do. I just, I sit here and I just think about things and then I try and put it in a way that is concise and makes sense, which is sometimes hard to do when you’re dealing with a really foggy, cloudy kind of high, like, like this one produces,

[00:13:28] Oh, hold on. I still got some in my bowl. So let’s smoke another hit before we consider this 10 minutes later.

[00:13:56] I do want to comment that this one is got the flavor all the way down to the bottom. Maybe I could probably sneak out one more hit out of that bong, because it’s held its flavor all the way down That is to me. I consider that really well-handled herb. I think it was properly flushed at the end of the growing cycle. That’s me just making a speculation because it’s so clean. It’s just like, it’s such clean herb all the way down. You know, sometimes I get… I’m smoking a bowl and I get… I get some stuff and you’re smoking about halfway through the bowl and you look at it and you’re like, what is that black gunk in my bowl?

[00:14:58] Well, that is not the case here. We’ve got clean white ash. All the way down and oh my gosh, there’s one more hit in there for sure. Let’s do it. Okay, let’s take one last hit. All right.

[sound of bong toke]

[00:15:40] Well my friends, that is my rambling Purple Kush review. For this week, what am I going to give Purple Kush on the holy grail scale? Oh my Since I started doing the podcast, if you’re keeping score at home… this is definitely I think the best herb – for me – that I’ve smoked… and let me just get into last night’s story again.

Last night, the depression just was really, really horrible.

[00:16:21] And I was just, we, my wife and I, we, we hang out on our patio and enjoy the desert around us. And last night I just was not able to enjoy. I was just sitting there with my head down and just all kinds of bad mental noise going on in my head. And my wife, she’s very cool, very understanding… some people don’t have somebody who’s got their back like I do. My wife completely has my back, especially when it comes to depression. She totally understands my situation. And so, she’s like, break into that Purple Kush. She had to encourage me several times because I was like, nah. The thing about depression is it takes away the motivation. And even though sometimes herb might be the best thing to relieve the symptoms of depression. It’s hard to get myself motivated to go there and do it. You know what I mean?

[00:17:25] So anyways, I finally I broke into the Purple Kush. We marveled at the smell just as we spent at least five to ten minutes just digging on the aromatherapy quality of the smell of these purple nugs… and then I packed a bowl and the relaxing buzz that I’m feeling right now – I’m relaxed all the way from my lungs. I can feel it in my lungs all the way down through my gut and through the, the whole of my torso and into my legs. The whole body quality of the effects of this herb are complete relaxation. And as it did that. It loosened a hold that my mind had over me and the Purple Kush kind of came into my brain and just put everything on chill.

[00:18:28] It was just like, Oh, now you can just relax. Now I can lift my head. We started to engage in conversation again, instead of me just quietly sitting there suffering, we were able to have a good conversation.

[00:18:45] The symptoms – I’m not looking for herb to cure my depression. I don’t ever want anybody to think that I have any inclination or any idea whatsoever that herb is going to cure my depression. Neither does the pills that I take. I take several prescription medications for my depression, and I do not expect them to heal my depression either. What I expect them to do is relieve the symptoms that I feel from the depression.

[00:19:22] And that is why I go for the herb is because it relieves the symptoms that I feel from depression. And last night. The symptoms were especially harsh. I was having to live through a very, very harsh and useless experience. And this Purple Kush completely relieved me. There was a euphoria that came along with it….

[00:19:54] This is all to tell you that I’m very inclined to give this one a high rating because for me, personally, one of the things that I need from my holy grail herb is I need something that gives me relief from the symptoms of depression when they come along, like I’ve been experiencing. So all that is to tell you, I’m giving this one a 4.75 – way up there, way up there. 4.75 for this one.

[00:20:39] Gosh, what would I improve on it? Well, I’d make the nugs a little bigger. If I could have gotten a quarter, I wish I had a quarter of this or an ounce and gotten some bigger nugs so I could take better photographs for y’all and everything. That would be good…

[00:20:59] . The smell, I cannot improve upon this. This is, it’s room filling. The aroma is room filling. The cure on this is definitely top notch. CRU has done a really good job on this. This was packaged just a month ago, and it’s held up very nicely. Wow. The high is worth writing home about… you know… the euphoria, positive vibe that’s mixed in with the chill that’s mixed in with the relax. Oh, these are qualities… this is what I come to the party for. This is what I want. You know what I mean?

[00:21:50] Oh my. I’m just, I’m just in a really pleasant, relaxed state. I’ve got that 4.75 Purple Kush in me. And that’s a good thing. And you know what, I’ve got some more! So after the effects wear off… these effects, they are long lasting ones…

[00:22:15] A buzz for me, usually it starts… I get the initial buzz, it’s about 10-15 minutes, I get the initial buzz, then it slinks down into this like sub buzz, you know, that like rides out for about the next, oh, 45 minutes to an hour. And usually after an hour it’s time to re-up, or maybe I’m just gonna chill for a while and let my body come back to normal, I guess, before I re-up again.

[00:22:49] But what was I talking about? I don’t know. I forgot what I was talking about… oh my gosh, I was just in a little whirlwind of talking and I forgot what I was talking about.

Well, anyways, my friends I’m going to wrap up this sesh… I’m going to wrap up this podcast and let you get back to your regularly scheduled activities.

[00:23:16] I just thank you so much for coming by and checking it out. And also, I just want to point out one last thing that you can go over to and you can find the transcript and photos for this week’s podcast on Red Bench Reviews. And if you want to leave comments, I certainly appreciate that.

[00:23:43] All right, until later best of health.

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