
[Edited for clarity]

[00:00:00] Intro: Coming to you from the hi-desert of Southern California, Red Bench Reviews brings you Today’s Sesh with Jon. Grab a joint, load your bong, or pack your pipe, and let’s get this sesh started.

[00:00:19] Jon: Hello, my friends. Welcome to the sesh. My name is Jon, and I’ll be your host as we continue the search for the Holy Grail of Herb.

[00:00:29] Well, this is what we’re going to do this week, my friends. We are going to look at a strain called Fruity Pebbles OG. We’re going to look at the jar and describe that to you. We’re going to get into the jar and tell you about how it smells, how it looks. Then we’re going to get out my bong and we’re going to take a few hits. And then I’m going to tell you how it feels. So stick around and let’s get into Fruity Pebbles OG

[00:01:01] Well, Fruity Pebbles OG. This one’s also called FPOG – FPOG for short. And FPOG is an indica dominant hybrid. It falls just slightly on the indica side of things and it was created by the breeders at Alien Genetics. Alien Genetics came out with this one back in 2006, and it has been hugely popular ever since. Surprisingly, I’ve never tried FPOG. And I am really looking forward to an opportunity to get into this jar of FPOG and see what it is like.

[00:01:44] Okay, I am holding a jar in my hand that comes to us from Hydrotic. H Y D R O T I C. An interesting name, Hydrotic. This is hydroponically grown cannabis flowers. This is grown here in Southern California. This is the Microbuddery’s – that’s where I got this delivered from – this is the Microbuddery’s own brand. This is what they are putting out.

[00:02:14] It’s a nice little black label that like wraps around it. It’s got little metallic kind of rainbow printing on it. It’s got the government label on the back. And it’s got, of course, the social media connections on there also listed. We’re going to get into this jar and we’re going to see what it is like.

[00:02:36] Oh, I forgot to mention there is a label on the side here. That says that this one has 31.92% THC. That’s 31.92% THC. That is, as according to my standings on things, that is what I call a big engine. I like to describe herb in terms of a car and THC levels – I consider a big engine. I mentioned this last week.

[00:03:06] Let me just elaborate on that just a little bit more, you know, because THC is not necessarily the end all be all of what you, what you’re getting when you open a jar of herb. You know, THC is part of it, but there’s terpenes. There’s other cannabinoids that are involved. And so I like to think of the THC is just like the big engine on a car.

[00:03:30] The engine only gets you so far. You have to steer it. You have to drive the car. And that’s what I consider the terpenes, the other cannabinoids. Those are the other details involved in the car, but the THC, that’s just the big engine and the big engine on this one is at 31.92% THC. We are going to haul butt down the road on that one.

[00:03:57] All right, let’s get into this jar. Let’s open it up and let’s see what we’ve got inside. I want to carefully remove this side label that’s acting as the seal, because it’s got all the information about the THC – so I just carefully removed that and slap that around on the side there. Alright, let’s open this jar.

[00:04:20] Alright, it’s got a flavor seal on top. It’s… Oh my! Oh! Oh my goodness, that smells really, really good! Oh! Oh my! Oh, these are the flavors that I’m getting… I got immediately hit with the strong diesel gassiness. Mm. It just makes my nose just tingle right in the middle of my nose. It just is a good hybrid. Oh that it’s got some sweet smells to it… some sweet aromas.

[00:04:59] Oh my goodness. That is just so wonderful smelling. Anyways, because you can’t enjoy that like I am, I’m going to tell you what I’m looking at here. I’m looking at some nice nugs. They are a little fluffy. No, no, they’re actually pretty dense. They’re pretty dense. And they are light green to medium green. They’ve got lots of orange hairs in them. There’s little purple hues in there.

[00:05:28] I’m going to go photograph these so that I can get into them. Let me go photograph and I’ll be right back in just one moment.

[00:05:36] Oh my. Wow. That was really delightful photographing those. Not just because of a good looking herb that I was photographing, but because that really smelled fantastic. This one gets high points on the aroma because it is just… not only is there that diesely kind of smell, but there was this sweet smell to it. There’s something that just makes my nose go and kind of freeze up. And I don’t even know exactly what to call that aroma. But it just it just caused my nose to just like totally stand up and pay attention. Oh, wow.

[00:06:24] Okay. Well, I photographed those herbs. This herb is really beautiful. There’s purples in there. There’s light greens. There’s medium greens. Lots of orange hairs. And when I took a bud apart to start putting that in my bong – oh, the trichomes were just amazing.

[00:06:48] I can’t wait to look at the photographs. And I hope the photographs turned out well. Because I took a lot of photos of the trichomes inside a nug. Wow! Beautiful, beautiful stuff.

[00:07:01] I’d like to remind you that you can go over to and you can see the photos that I just took. Go under Episode 6 – FPOG – Fruity Pebbles OG and take a look. We will have the transcript from the show and we’ll have the photographs so come by and check it out. And you can also leave comments down at the bottom of the page, which I would highly encourage.

[00:07:26] All right? Okay. I’ve got a whole bowl of Fruity Pebbles OG loaded up in my bong here. This is Fruity Pebbles OG from Hydrotic and let’s try it out. Let’s see how this goes. Oh, hold on just a sec. I think I have a little cough ahead of this Okay, let’s get that out of the way, right? All right. Well, here we go. Let’s let’s take a bong toke.

[sound of bong toke]

[00:08:14] Smooth as can be… that was a very sweet hit. This one is known for tasting like a bowl of fruity pebbles. And once again, I’m coming up short, on the fruity pebbles taste. A couple weeks ago I did cereal milk, expecting to have that taste of cereal milk, and it fell short. This one… that was delicious.

[00:08:49] The hit reminded me. Oh my gosh, it was just like one of those things that just flows you back years and years and years. The quality of that hit reminded me of this green sticky buds that I got in ‘86. I know I’m reaching way back there, but these were these really sticky buds. I do believe that they were indoor grown and they had the smoke was such a light quality… the hit that I just took had such a light quality to it, but it had this certain kind of flavor that is earthy. I mean, it’s a lot like other flavors I’ve had, but just the quality of it and it tasted almost like it was crystal coated – like the flavor was crystal coated.

I’m going to jump into another hit… it probably was, it’s crystal trichome coated. Oh my, let’s take a second hit. I’m just, wow, is this going to take me back to 86 again? Oh my. Whew.

[sound of bong toke]

[00:10:20] Where did I get those buds from back in 86? My mind is now going off on that, it’s like, thinking back and going, now where did I get that pot from back then, oh my, oh well, we’re not gonna figure that out right now – right now we’re looking at Fruity Pebbles OG.

[00:10:42] It’s tasting really good. It’s very earthy. A touch of gas in there is what I’m getting. I’m not getting the sweet tropical berry flavor that most people seem to get from Fruity Pebbles OG. Maybe it’s me. I don’t know. I think it’s the herb. But it sure smells good. And it sure tastes good on its own. Well, I’m gonna wait and see how the effects are doing on this one.

[00:11:10] What I’m going to do is I’m going to take a 10 minute break and I’m going to let the effects all cruise in. I’m going to take a couple more hits – no doubt – to enhance the effects. And in 10 minutes, I’ll be back and I’ll let you know how this one is hitting me. All right. Be back in just a sec.

[00:11:33] 10 minutes later.

[00:11:38] Ah, I have such a wonderful aftertaste in my mouth right now. I just took – about three minutes before I hopped back on the mic here – I took the first hit from a second bowl of this Fruity Pebbles OG. And there is magic… I cannot tell you the number of times when I’ve like smoked a bowl, and I’m like – Well, that was alright. That was alright, you know? Okay I think I got a little buzz and then I go – this is gonna require a second bowl. And then I go and I light up that second bowl. And that first hit of the second bowl always seems to be the one, the key that turns the lock. And all of a sudden I’m in and I’m like, whoa. Here I am.

[00:12:32] And that’s exactly what happened here with this FPOG – with this Fruity Pebbles OG. I was sitting here really surprised at how little effect I was feeling.

[00:12:46] I did want to take a side note here. I forgot to mention… What Fruity Pebbles OG is a cross of. I did mention that it comes from Alien Genetics that they created this back in 2006 in my introduction.

[00:13:02] But, uh, I forgot to mention this is a cross of Green Ribbon, Grandaddy Purple, Tahoe OG, and Alien Kush. Okay? That’s Green Ribbon, and let me tell you what Green Ribbon is, because I’ve never smoked Green Ribbon before. I’ve never even come across it. Green Ribbon is a hybrid of Green Crack crossed with Train Wreck, or Afganica, or White Rhino. Okay, so it’s a mystery strain to me. But, Granddaddy Purple, of course, I know and love because that used to be my favorite strain back in 2010. People would say, what’s your favorite strain? I didn’t even hesitate. It was Granddaddy Purple. I smoked a lot of Granddaddy Purple back in the day. Smoked some really beautiful purpley nugs.

[00:14:05] This crossed with Tahoe OG and Alien Kush. Wow. That is quite a lineup. No wonder that Fruity Pebbles OG went on to win some awards when it came on the market.

[00:14:19] But anyways… so back to the effects. Here I am. Second bowl, first hit in, and boy, Fruity Pebbles OG is a relaxed strain. That’s just straight up… it’s a sociable strain. I can tell just by the way that my countenance kind of feels right now. I just feel like hanging out and talking, which is what we’re doing. It’s a sociable herb, but it’s very relaxed.

[00:14:48] The first. stand out thing that I noticed from the Fruity Pebbles OG back before I took that first hit of the second bowl was that my shoulders had gotten very relaxed, really just that deep exhale kind of relaxation and really, really nice.

[00:15:15] And my, my head, it’s not much of a head high. It’s more like a body relaxing high. I am a little fuzzy upstairs… doing a little bit of the cloudy marijuana thing going on. It’s slowing things down. I would say that like an Indica, it is slowing things down.

[00:15:41] Matter of fact, I’m just realizing because I am talking and, and I feel the need to keep talking because I’m doing a podcast… that makes sense. I feel the need to keep talking because I’m doing a podcast, but as I pause there… I’m sorry, I don’t mean to give you radio silence, but as I pause there, my body just wanted to – just stay silent. I just wanted to listen to the world around me, check things out, just feel the buzz. And it’s a good buzz, this is a good buzz. Now that it’s come on, now that I have had that first hit of the second bowl. Oh my.

[00:16:35] Sometimes it’s like THC has to get up to a, a certain level in your system before it is effective. You just have to get a certain amount of THC in your system. And if you have a high tolerance for herb like me, that definitely requires taking those extra hits.

[00:16:58] Oh, speaking of extra hits, oh my, now that I’ve got this buzz, I’m going to take another hit here and just ride this. I am looking forward to just kicking back after I’m done with the podcast. Just chilling. This is not a couch-lock kind of feeling. This is more like a sofa-surfing kind of feeling… I just want to hang out on my sofa… I want to I’m gonna put on some music and just and just chill for a while because this put my body in such a relaxed state.

[00:17:41] All right Let’s take let’s take one more hit of this. Hold on. I got another another cough here. Just a sec.

[00:17:50] Oh My here we go

[sound of bong toke]

[00:18:14] Oh my, such a sweet aftertaste that one leaves in my mouth. Fruity Pebbles OG… I can’t say that I had the Fruity Pebbles taste experience that most people have. I’m kind of surprised at that. Definitely earthy, danky, great aftertaste kind of herb. Nice, nice, very nice. What are we going to give this on the Holy Grail scale?

[00:18:46]Oh, I’m thinking I’m going to come in at about a 4.15 on this one. The nugs were not that big. And even though they were very beautiful as you can see from the photographs. The smell was enormous – knocked it out of the park. The taste, not quite there. Not quite there. And the high, very relaxing. Very, very positive. It is a very positive kind of high. So, all in all, I think we’re going to come in at about 4.15 on the Holy Grail scale for this week’s herb.. for the Fruity Pebbles OG, for those of you keeping score at home.

[00:19:33] Thank you so much for joining me here this week. Wow… I just really enjoy these sessions… for some reason I get higher it seems like while I’m having a sesh… while I’m talking to you guys. Instead of when I’m just sitting here by myself having a smoke, I guess I’m fully concentrated and I’m fully experiencing the moment… that’s one of the reasons why I really enjoy getting to do these reviews.

[00:20:05] So thank you so much for joining me for this one. If you haven’t subscribed, I encourage you to subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts, because we’ll be back each week, every Wednesday with a new podcast for you. And until next week, best of health.

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