
Edited for clarity


[00:00:00] Intro: Coming to you from the hi-desert of Southern California, Red Bench Reviews brings you Today’s Sesh with Jon. Grab a joint, load your bong, or pack your pipe, and let’s get this sesh started.

[00:00:13] Jon: Hello, my friends, and welcome to the sesh. My name is Jon, and I’ll be your host as we continue the search for the holy grail of herb.

[00:00:23] Well, my friends, this is what we’re going to do this week. We’re going to look at a strain called Bubba Kush. Bubba Kush is a classic, and we’re going to look at it. We’re going to smell it. We’re going to describe what it looks like to you. We’re going to take it for a test spin and take a couple of hits from my trusty bong. And then we’re going to tell you about what the high is all about. So stick around and let’s get into this one. Let’s talk about some Bubba Kush.

[00:00:52] Bubba Kush. Bubba Kush. Oh, I love the strain. It comes to us from 1997. They says that’s when it was first created by Matt Berger – a Colorado based breeder and he was down in Florida at the time, I believe I could be wrong about that, but he was the first one to bring forth Bubba Kush. It is debated what the original lineage of Bubba Kush was… some say that there was some Northern Lights involved and some OG Kush, others…. and I’m going to go with this one – others say that it is an Afghani and OG Kush cross. At least that’s the one that we’re going to look at today.

[00:01:39] The one we’re looking at today comes to us from 8 Track. I got a quarter of this Bubba Kush. I literally got this just a half hour ago. It was delivered to me from the Microbuddery down in DHS – in Desert Hot Springs. It cost $30 plus tax – I got a senior discount, how about that – and the total came to $40 after tax. Delivery was free because I was over the $40 minimum.

[00:02:14] I have a jar in my hand that has some beautiful looking nugs in it. They have that deep green color to them. As I’m looking through the glass jar – we’re going to get into this glass jar in just a second, and get into the smell and stuff like that. But I’m just looking through the glass jar and it looks like some… it looks like Afghani… what I’m looking at has those deep greens that Afghani has – sort of that, that kind of that shape that Afghani has. Let’s get into this jar and let’s check it out.

[00:02:51] This jar that I’m holding contains a quarter and it says on it that this is Bubba Kush. It says that it’s an Indica. It says that it’s an Afghani crossed with OG Kush. And it says that the THC level for this particular herb in this jar is 32.2%. That’s 32.2% for a Bubba Kush strain. That is really, really high.

[00:03:21] This jar was packaged just a week ago. That’s what it says here on the label. It was packaged on July 25th. So that’s just about a week ago. Wow! I’m really, really excited to get into this. So let’s break the seal and get into it. All right, we’re breaking the seal and it’s got flavor seal inside… oh my gosh… it just pops right off there.

[00:03:57] Oh my gosh, jar appeal. Let’s talk jar appeal… this one has it. The wonderful smell of Bubba just comes popping right out of there. It’s filling the area that I’m in right now. It’s earthy, kind of foresty. It’s got some pine in it. When I get my nose really down into the jar, there’s a touch of citrus in there. Oh my gosh, you can just smell this all day long. I think if you just keep smelling it, the aromatherapy would take care of any of your ills. For sure. Oh my gosh, this is really nice.

[00:04:44] I’m going to go and photograph this so I’ll be back in just a second. I’m going to go photograph these nugs and I’ll tell you about them when I get back.

[00:04:55] Well, I’m back from photographing and that was really pleasant. As I poured the jar out in the photo booth, the aroma just filled the booth completely. It was wonderful. The citrusy, citrus kind of smell that I smelled when I put my nose down in the jar seemed to become a little more prevalent, because while I was photographing it, and you can go to And you can see the photographs that I took for this week, just go under Episode #5, Bubba Kush and check that out.

[00:05:32] The, while I was taking the photos, I also cut up a nug for putting it in my bong. And that was really nice. This is really well cured Bubba Kush that comes from 8 Track. And it reminds me so much of Afghani. The structure of the buds look very Afghani. I don’t know if this is a phenotype that went more towards the Afghani side of things. I’m not sure. But the Bubba Kush that we’re looking at has a strong resemblance to Afghani. Let’s get into this.

[00:06:10] My bong is packed and I am really excited to try this out. I’ve tried this Bubba Kush before, another grow of it that came from 8 Track. I tried it earlier this year and was completely impressed, but I have not tried this most recent Bubba Kush from them, and I haven’t never tried it in my bong. So I’ve always been a pipe smoker on this one. So let’s get into it and let’s try it out. Alright, here we go. I’ve got my GRAVv wide bass bong, and you can find those on the GRAV website. Here we go. Bubba Kush from 8 Track.

[sound of bong toke]

[00:07:18] My goodness. That was really, really good. You know, the thing about Bubba Kush is it doesn’t have a taste that makes you go, Wow, that’s original, that’s unique. It has a very earthy kind of flavor to it. It is very earthy and it hangs heavy, the flavor. Let’s take a second hit of this just because I really want to smoke some more Bubba kush and I want to do it right away.

[00:07:48] So let’s take another hit of this.

[sound of bong toke and coughing]

[00:08:05] Oh my gosh. I just took too big a hit. That kind of blew my mind. I just coughed my head off. Bubba Kush is prone to coughing. If you don’t like coughing, when you take a hit, Bubba Kush might be off your list, but, uh, it is well known for being a cougher.

[00:08:29] Oh my gosh. Loving that even with a cough, you know, sometimes a cough just kind of shoot you into the stratosphere that one did and I’m really enjoying it, but we’re gonna take a 10 minute break or It’ll just be a second for you, but a 10 minute break for me while I let the effects of this Bubba Kush come on.

[00:08:53] I’ll make some notes Because I believe I’m gonna need to make notes on this one because if I know Bubba My memory is gonna be obliterated here.

[00:09:05] So let’s take a 10 minute break And I’ll be right back, and I’ll tell you what this is all about.

[00:09:14] Ten minutes later.

[00:09:18] Wow. When they said 32. 2% THC on the label, they were serious about that. That is a big engine, I like to think about cannabis, the way that it is built, sort of like a car, and the THC amount, I think of that as like an engine, and then the terpenines, that’s how you steer and control the car, the terpenines and the other cannabinoids.

[00:09:52] This herb is definitely meditative and thoughtful. Let me just tell you, you’re going to get into digressions in your brain and you are going to just mull things over because at least that’s what I’m doing.

[00:10:09] I put here in my notes that it slows down the treadmill of thoughts, you know, my brain has just been spinning on thoughts all morning as I was getting prepared to do the podcast and now is just slowed down and it is peaceful, it is quiet.

[00:10:28] My body feels like I put on a puffy cloud suit. That’s what I put in my notes here is I’m in a puffy cloud suit. It really feels like I’m surrounded by something. Thoroughly insulated right at this moment.

[00:10:42] My regular listeners, you know that I have severe depression and it has been a battle for the last couple of days dealing with depression all the way up to doing the podcast here. It has been just – the struggle is real. You know, that’s all I can say. And this one… let’s say it’s good medicine for me, for my depression.

[00:11:11] It is totally, it has slowed down my brain, quieted me down, put me at peace. And I was not at peace earlier. So that’s, that is quite an achievement.

[00:11:27] It has a strong body buzz. I like to call it an insulation of the nerves. And this one does it just incredibly. My eyes are lidded. I feel a bit heavy. You know, just kinda… not bad heavy, but just kinda… like, gravity has gotten a little extra strong.

[00:11:50] This one has a delightful aftertaste. I’ve been savoring the aftertaste in my mouth here. The last hit I took – I only took about four hits and it got me way stoned. The aftertaste is just really earthy and just really satisfying feeling in my mouth.

[00:12:16] Just really happy about the way I’m feeling right at this moment compared to how I was feeling like, you know, an hour ago. Let’s say, or you know, a half hour ago… I’m kind of losing my way a little bit here. So what I’m going to do is… the stone just wants me to just kick back and relax. This is a very relaxing one.

[00:12:44] What I know from experience – and the bong tokes are actually a little stronger than the pipe hits that I’ve taken in the past of Bubba Kush – but Bubba always turns very creative for me. After the initial wave of, of stone passes, which takes about 15, 20 minutes, sometimes up to a half hour, After that initial wave of just like, “wow, dude, this one’s really wiping me out”, you know, kind of feeling then I get my mind turns creative.

[00:13:17] That’s where I go with this one. I will be thinking of… well, I’m going to be editing this podcast and stuff like that. And that’s going to keep me busy for the rest of the afternoon. But my mind turns creative when I’ve – in the past – I’ve like smoked it. And I just kind of like kick back on the sofa for about 15, 20 minutes. And by about that point, I’m like, what do I want to do? What do I want to… how do I want to spend this mental energy? And I’m into drawing, doing a collage, working on some artwork of some kind or something. That’s where I go.

[00:13:55] Anyways, I think I was talking about taking a last hit of this one. This will knock me off my feet. So let’s do it.

[00:14:03] 8 Track, a brand that I’ve surprisingly been covering a lot this last month. Their version of Bubba Kush. Here we go.

[sound of bong toke]

[00:14:37] Inhale smoke, exhale satisfaction. That is for sure. Bubba Kush Always always a winner. How are we gonna rate this one? Well Bubba Kush is in the top tier of strains always… I’m think I’m gonna give us about… okay, well the buds are, as you look at the photographs on, if you check them out, you’ll see that we’re not talking big nugs, okay? So we’re not talking big, impressive jar appeal. We’re not talking big impressive nugs. We’re talking everything is underneath about 0.7 grams. I think I picked out the biggest one and I measured it at 0.7 grams. So we’re talking small little nugs. But the smell is there, the high is definitely there, it was definitely economical at $30 for an eighth or for a quarter. I’m sorry $30 for a quarter – $40 after tax.

[00:15:48] My goodness my goodness, we’re gonna give this one a 4.25 – Bubba, in my mind – a great Bubba is going to get about a 4.75. So this one comes in about a 4.25 only because of nug size. I think if we had bigger nugs, bigger, more impressive photogenic nugs, I would have given this one a higher rating, but we’re going to come in at 4.25 this week on the Holy Grail scale. Oh my.

[00:16:22] Okay, I’m just gonna thank all my listeners for coming by this week and joining me for this Bubba Kush experience. I hope that you get some Bubba Kush in your hands soon and get a chance to enjoy some Bubba if you haven’t in a while. I just want to say thank you all. Thank you kindly for coming by. I really appreciate it. Until next week, best of health.

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