I got a nice and elegant item in the mail the other day – a tin of Dogwalker Cigars from Soulflower Hemp, so let me tell you about them…

[Disclaimer: This product was provided by Soulflower Hemp in exchange for an honest review]

A Dogwalker Cigar is a small pre-roll (2.5 inches long), rolled in a palm leaf wrap. These Dogwalkers are a delightful 10 minute smoke. Each mini cigar is infused with Delta 8 and contain 60mg of premium hemp flower, grown in the US of A. The tin contains 5 mini cigars for a total of 300mg of CBD hemp/Delta 8.

When I got the tin I couldn’t wait to try one out… but my little dog is fifteen years old and she doesn’t really like taking long walks anymore, so I sat on the front porch and lit up a Dogwalker. The hits were smooth and earthy. The well-packed palm wrap burned evenly as I relaxed into the mini cigar.

Relaxed was the key word!

I like to enjoy a good hemp smoke, and the infused Delta 8 added an extra kick to the relaxing CBD. I took my time smoking the Dogwalker, and ten minutes later I was nearing the filter. I used to be a cigarette smoker decades ago, and the smoke lasted about as long as a regular cigarette, which I’ve always considered a good smoking length. This took me back to relaxing with a cigarette, but with none of the nicotine effects… and that’s good, because I don’t particularly like the nicotine feel.

I felt that the Delta 8 effects were very mild, but noticeable. The effect was like Delta 9-lite, mildly lifting and more on the relaxing side of things. My eyelids were even a slight bit lidded as I sat enjoying the slight buzz I was feeling after the smoke was finished. My lips felt a slightly numb sensation, which is from the palm wrap… a bit like the feel on the lips after smoking a clove cigarette.

If you’ve never smoked a palm leaf wrapped smoke, you’re in for a treat. It’s a slow-burning wrap that is clean-burning, and always seems to go well with the taste of the herb. You can probably find King Palm wraps at your local smoke shop… I use them regularly when I’m in the mood for a pre-roll.

When I review a product I think about how well this product accomplishes what it was made for… and these little cigars are great for that moment you want to step aside from the busy treadmill of life and have a quick smoke break – or perfect for a short dog walk.

Until later, best of health.

Find this product: Dogwalker Cigars – Soulflower Hemp

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