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The Review

CBD Sunday – 2021 | Episode #20 | Arete Hemp | Galactic Funk

I’ve got to admit that the name Galactic Funk is what first caught my eye when I was herb shopping online last week. I was at Arete’s website on a suggestion from one of our viewers, and I was liking what I saw. I do judge an herb product – and whether I’ll buy it – from the quality of the website, and Arete’s was very classy with high quality photos of the different varieties of herb – that made me want to order about a half a dozen strains!

Galactic Funk is a phenotype of Sour Space Candy, which is a cross of Sour Tsunami and Early Resin Berry (ERB). Both of these strains are used in hemp breeding extensively, and Sour Space Candy is a strain you can find at many hemp sites online.

My order from Arete arrived in just a few days at our PO Box in a nice discrete brown cardboard box. Opening the box I found a well-packaged situation – the jar was in a smell-proof, heat-sealed bag that had an extra Mylar baggie inside. Much to my surprise the Mylar baggie contained a gram of a strain called G-1. Bonus herb – this company knows how to get on my good side!

The jar was packaged in bubble wrap for protection and nestled in black packing material that gave the box an elegant feel. Included with the jar was a nice handwritten note thanking me for the order… all nice touches. I hadn’t even smoked and I already had a good feeling!

Look and Smell

Arete’s jars have nice, spare labeling with all the info you need, which also show off the nugs inside the jar rather nicely.

Galactic Funk is labeled as a hybrid with 12.4% CBD. I could see that there was a Boost 62% humidity pack in the bottom of the jar. That always make me happy when I see that, because then I know the herb inside is going to be moist and fresh.

Opening the jar I was expecting a loud gassy aroma, but what I got was a spicy, medicinal, astringent smell that immediately made me think of a Jack Herer or Trainwreck strain – very surprising! These were aromas that I associate with a strong Sativa, so at this point I was suspecting that this hybrid was leaning towards the Sativa side – just a guess, but I was curious to see if my hunch was correct.

The dark green and purple nugs were mostly medium-smalls… thick, and just a touch fluffy, but still with good density.

There were about a handful of little buds in the jar, and no shake. The eighth of herb weighed in at 3.68 grams and looked generous when I poured it out on my tray.

The first nug I cut up was very well-cured, a bit sticky and released this strong tangerine aroma. I try and be very careful when I handle the herb – you have to respect the herb I often say – and even being careful, my fingers smelled like I had just peeled a tangerine after cutting up just one of the small nugs. I loaded the sticky herb up in my bong, and got ready to take that first hit.

The Taste and Effects

Sour tangerine was my first taste impression from the very smooth hit. That was followed by an earthy, spicy flavor, and then more of the tangerine. Nearly right away I felt my eyes get this feeling like they were opening up further than normal. I call that the “bright-eyes effect”… and it was very noticeable.

The effects that slowly rolled in after the immediate bright-eyes were like a mild Sativa buzz. My mind felt sharpened and focused, but not extremely… almost casually. As I sat thinking about the “casual high” I was enjoying I noticed that my body was getting more and more comfortable. I took a handful of hits during the first sesh and the body comfort kept growing for ten to fifteen minutes.

Because of the light, casual feel of the high I took a few more hits than normal. I never got much of a head high, but after about the seventh hit my eyes started to feel lidded, and my wife remarked that I definitely looked stoned. I went and looked it the mirror and it was true – the guy looking back at me sure looked stoned!

The Wrap Up

There is definitely a lot of people who would enjoy the light quality of this high. This herb seems perfect for a mid-afternoon smoke break when I need a little creative boost that won’t send my mind into the stratosphere. This one would be great for those that like a mild high that lean in a Sativa direction, but don’t want something that will overwhelm them.

I also think this is a good sesh herb… you can smoke this one for awhile and each hit gives a great burst of tangerine flavor, an energetic kick, a shot of body comfort and leaves me looking forward to the next hit. That adds up to a pretty good herb!

Until later, best of health.

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Rocky Harris
May 23, 2021 2:23 pm

Sounds like a delightful herb. Great review Jon!