Let me introduce myself. My name is Jon Christopher. I’m an author, artist, musician and book designer living in the hi-desert of Southern California, near the Joshua Tree National Park with my love of over 35 years, Tania.

I love the herb. This is a love affair that’s been going on since the first time I smoked pot in March of 1983. I watched David Letterman turn into a cartoon on TV after taking several hits, an effect that’s never been repeated. Maybe it was the strange, random pot I got which led to me getting stoned at a friend’s house and watching the aforementioned David Letterman Show.

Since that first evening pounds of marijuana have been consumed. I’ve tried (and photographed) over 375 different strains of marijuana. I’ve smoked so many different versions of OG Kush, ChemDawg, Sour Diesel, Trainwreck (and more) that it’s crazy, I’ve chanted at pot rallies, survived the War on Drugs, volunteered at collectives, and along the way I’ve learned a lot about this amazing plant. Well, I’m bringing all those years spent with the herb, and all my knowledge and putting it on the red bench.

Let’s try out a number of strains of the herb together and see what kind of handy gear is available to enhance your cannabis experience.

I’ll be giving you honest reviews and on-the-spot commentary, product information, helpful tips and plenty of bong rips.

Jon’s All Time Top-Ten Herb Strains

1. California Skunk Buds (circa 1984) – This strain no longer exists, but it’s my all-time favorite!
2. OG Kush – of course!
3. Chem Dawg, AKA Chemdawg, Chem 91
4. Sour Diesel
5. Girl Scout Cookies
6. Wedding Cake
7. Mendo Breath
8. Purple Punch
9. Banjo (from Coastal Sun Farm)
10. Hindu Kush
11. Larry OG



The red bench sits in the middle of our cabin where we live, with a view that overlooks the Morongo Basin and Joshua Tree National Park. We (Jon and Tania) have had this bench for a number of years and it’s a gathering point when friends visit. Everyone who’s been to our cabin remembers “sitting around the red bench”.

On the day that the idea of Red Bench Reviews was hatched, we were sitting at the bench while I (Jon) took hits from my new birthday bong. I was waxing poetically about the herb I was smoking and Tania suggested we should make videos of me smoking the herb. “Oh,” I responded, “like red bench reviews”… and the idea was launched.

Tania is the director of the show, while I get the job of being onscreen host. A job, I must say, that fits me very comfortably.

We hope to illuminate adults of all ages with their marijuana product buying decisions by providing helpful, honest and insightful videos and reviews.

To find out more about our life in the hi-desert, visit our website at



The ever-present beloved lil’ Suki dog (16 years old) kicking back and watching us film… 

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